Stone Face-Work, LLC
100 N Fairmount St, #1
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Phone Number: (847) 530-4212
Our company specializes on veneer stone sales and masonry services. We are an official distributor of manufactured stone in Pittsburgh area. We have 4 types of stone available to choose from (limestone, fieldstone, ridgestone and ledgestone). Each type comes in 5 - 7 different colors. Corner stones are also available for each type. In addition, we offer various stone accessories. The stone is locally manufactured, so the price is substantially lower, than any other stone, shipped from other states.
Plus, we offer a reasonable rate on stone masonry services. We have tons of experience in that particular industry, so the quality of work is on a very high level.
Keywords: Veneer stone, cultured stone, manufactured stone, stone sales, stone masonry.